I'd like to find out what kind of tree it is. It sure stands out from the rest around this area. It's hard to see but the trunk is kind of twisted, like some plants I have seen at home. There's a rope ladder to the right that someone has put up. It is a very peaceful spot on the beach.

The picture shown above is Chico's. This is where I eat most of my meals when I decide not to cook. I've noticed that most of the restaurants have similar menus but Chico's is the best I've had in town. For about $7 Cdn you can get a fresh fillet of fish cooked on an open fire, with rice and vegetables, frijoles, a little salad and an awesome salsa with corn tortillas. The meal is always served with warm soft tortillas in a little basket. Yum yum. Very healthy food and more than reasonable. It seems that Chico's is always busy compared to the other restaurants along the strip at the beach, both with local and tourist patrons. This place was a regular hang out for Andee, in fact, her ashes were scattered in the ocean just in front of it. I think about her every time I sit there.
The other day I was strolling the beach and a young woman was trying to sell me some beaded jewellery. It's really nice handmade stuff but so far I just haven't taken the time to look at it closely. I showed my interest to her and we sat in some chairs along the beach. There are lots of bracelets and necklaces but no ankle braclets, which is what I would rather have. I gestured what I was looking for and she wasn't able to help me. Then she picked up the bracelet I was looking at and pulled out her bags of beads and made the bracelet into an anklet for me by making it longer. It was made to measure as she went back and forth between beading and measuring it on my ankle. She was a sweet girl and I appreciated her effort. I paid for the anklet and gave her a nice big tip! I asked what her name was and I think she said "Poco" but I wasn't sure. Here's what my new anklet looks like:
There are only a few beach vendors and they are very respectful and leave you alone if you just tell them "no gracias."
I am finding it difficult to communicate with the locals. They only speak Spanish. I do try to understand but usually end up telling them "no entiendo" (I don't understand). It can be frustrating only because I'd like to get to know them and this is a huge barrier. For instance, I have a little bit of a heat rash on my arms that is pretty itchy at night. I'd like to find some chalomine lotion because I find that stuff really works well. I know they have it here because I bought some on my last trip to Mexico. I go into a tienda and ask "Quiero Chalomine por favor" (I'd like Chalomine please) and point to the shelf behind the counter with pharmacy type stuff on it. She understands what I want but points to the clock and tells me to come back at 5 o'clock. I can only understand this to mean that a shipment will be coming in then? So I go back after 5 and she tells me to come back tomorrow at 6 pm and is very apologetic. So am I to understand that some will come tomorrow or is this her way wanting to be polite and not tell me that they have no chalomine and never will have any! So you see what I mean? There's a lot of things at play here. I will go back tomorrow just because I'm curious but may have to give up on the lotion and hope this rash goes away soon. Actually the salt water is soothing it nicely.
I don't think I've been anywhere before where the locals don't speak any English, even a little bit. Even the waiters in the restaurants don't seem to understand what you're saying and speak to you entirely in Spanish. It is a good way to learn though.
Tomorrow I won't have to be up with the roosters for yoga so will be going to Las Varas to look closer at the buses to La Penita so I am prepared for Thursday and also visit el banco ... again!
Gracias amigos and amigas for your kind comments and your interest in my blog. Here's what the sunset looked like tonight. I am so lucky ...

Chico's looks so nice!! I pictured it to be indoors but I guess not much there is indoors... Maybe the tortillas they give you are to make a fish taco?? wrap up the fish and corn and onion all together in a tortilla?? I don't know.. that's what we did at mongolian and a lot of people never understood why we gave them tortillas haha.
I forgot to tell you but I was looking for an anklet for you before you left but apparently you can't find them in canada in the winter! So I'm glad to see you found one :)
Love you! ~Meagan
Your stories and pictures are amazing! When I read the comment about not being on scorpion watch as much the second day, I cringed!! Glad you're having a good time.
Maureen S.
No ... nothing is indoors around here. It is just like the Mongolian! I just roll them up and eat them like a warm roll with dinner. They are sooooo fresh and good. Maybe I'll pick up an anklet for you and bring it home, hija.
I still shake my bed sheets out every night and check my shoes in the morning, Maureen, but everyone around here says they haven't seen one so I'm a little more at ease about it now. This place has screens too so it's more scorpion proof. But I'm still alert! I'll write about the little critter I DID find in my kitchen later. Thanks for your comment. It's an amazing place.
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